Monday 3 June 2024

Jobs from the past - Number 175

Regular followers of this blog will know that my first post of every month is a "job from the past" so that I can show some of the really good work from years gone by - this project is from nine years ago. 

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition invitation - 2015

For 247 years, the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition has offered a snapshot of contemporary art – and this year’s exhibition is a riot of colour, variety and discovery with over 1,100 works. This year, the exhibition is co-ordinated by Michael Craig-Martin RA – a leading artist of his generation and the teacher who nurtured the talents of Gary Hume, Sarah Lucas and Damien Hirst. This year's choice was made from over 12,000 entries!

The Summer Exhibition is the world’s oldest open-submission exhibition: its earliest exhibitors included the likes of Reynolds, Constable and Turner.

This is the invitation to the private view on the 3rd June. In line with the exhibition's "vibrant summer of colour" theme, it is a very striking and colourful invitation.
Click on images to enlarge
Size is A5 Portrait (210x148mm). As I hope you will be able to tell from the image above, it has a pearlescent effect and this is because it is printed on Stardream Crystal, which is our pearlescent and metallic range ( fact it's the largest pearlescent and metallic range on the market!). What many people don't realise is that printing a solid colour onto a pearlescent board results in the solid having a pearlescent effect - this is because litho inks are transparent.
The invitations are printed offset litho using pantone special colours (three colours) and it really does convey a riot of colour.
The Stardream Crystal 120gsm has been pasted onto a 1500micron mount board which has then been edge coloured in the matching vibrant yellow. The result is superb.
Art direction and design is by Constanza Gaggero, at her London studio Gaggero Works. Print is by Basingstoke based Liquorice Press.
Posted by Justin Hobson 03.06.2024

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