Tuesday 6 April 2021

Billy Tannery Business Cards

Billy Tannery started with a discovery. Founders Jack and Rory found out that due to decades of decline in the British leather industry, many thousands of goatskins leftover from the food industry were being thrown away each year. So in 2016, building on centuries of local leather knowledge, they transformed a farm building in the Midlands into a small-batch tannery - the first to be built in the UK for well over 50 years! ...and these are their cracking business cards.
What better paper to print the publication on than a paper made using 25% upcycled leather! Remake is the range produced by Favini and is leather ‘upcycling’ on an industrial scale and represents the latest frontier in upcycling in the paper sector. This unique and innovative paper replaces 25% of wood tree pulp with leather residues. You can read more about Remake here.
Size of the cards is 53x85mm and are printed on Remake, Sand 380gsm.
Click on images to enlarge
In the detail image below you can see the visible leather fibres in the sheet and the proud statement about the paper's provenance.
The cards are printed and finished by Typecast Colour, based in Paddock Wood, Kent and was printed on their Xerox digital press. 

Posted by Justin Hobson 06.04.2021

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