Monday 17 June 2024

Sorry Paper...

Last week, the Independent Paper Show came to London. On Wednesday and Thursday the Crypt on the Green in Clerkenwell was packed full of companies showing all the best and latest in paper, printing and finishing. The IPS London show has been brought to the UK and is hosted by Foilco in partnership with the  three Swiss companies who originally founded the show: Bubu, Lorenz Boegli and Sonderegger.
I hope these images will give you a flavour of the event...
We are very pleased with our stand where we had a minature tree with scrunched balls of paper, following the event's theme of "sorry paper..."
Our friends from the Reflex paper mill in Germany were on a stand next door to us, showing their label papers, superbly demonstrated on bottles of beer!
...and Reflex were giving away copies of the wonderful Euro24 wallchart printed on Zeta Hammer, Brilliant 120gsm.
Below is Lorenz Boegli giving a talk about screenprinting and about his inventing his revolutionary technique to print RGB
Below are the stands of the original founders of the show: Bubu, Lorenz Boegli and Sonderegger.
As well as the three original founders,and Foilco there were stands from Antalis, Dreyer Kliche, Fedrigoni, GF Smith, James Cropper, Manifattura Del Seveso, Mondi, Procop, Reflex Paper, Slater Harrison, Winter & Co. 

It was a really worthwhile event, absolutely packed for most of the time and was amazingly well organised by Foilco. Hopefully this will become a regular event in the calendar. Our thanks to everyone that participated but especially to Foilco.

Posted by Justin Hobson 17.06.2024

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