Howies - Autumn 2006

This is the catalogue and the reason that I am writing about this particular piece is because of the cover - it should be titled "just the cover makes the difference". Size of the catalogue is 220x165mm, portrait and is perfect bound.
The cover is very simply printed in one colour (red) on our Colorset, Solar 270gsm. Colorset is 100% Recycled, which is an important reason that this board was chosen as it is in keeping with Howies ethical aims. The catalogue has 128pp and a spine measuring 8mm thick - unfortunately, my remaining copy has been dropped, so the spine is a bit mashed up, as you can see in the below image.
The 128pp text is printed on an uncoated offset which works very well.
...and then there is this lovely little surprise! Along with the catalogue, Howies produced this lovely little booklet titled 'Go Wales'. This booklet is a result of the Howies 2006 'Go Wales Tour' where the guys and gals in the company toured Wales and discovered some of the hidden secrets - and they wrote them down in this lovely little booklet!
The size is 148x98mm, portrait, saddle stitched and to compliment the catalogue, it is also printed on Colorset, Solar.
This is a 32pp 'self cover' and is also printed in just one special red Pantone colour. Both the catalogue and the Go Wales booklet are designed by Nick Hand. Nick has featured on this blog before as he has done a couple of epic journeys with his 'printing bike'. He also now runs the Letterpress Collective in Bristol.Both items were printed by Park Lane Press. They are printed offset litho but Park Lane print using a 'waterless' process that eliminates the water or dampening system used in conventional printing. The specialist plates allow the printed dot to be held more securely preventing any unwanted movement of ink and minimising dot gain to create a sharper image in ultra fine definition. They are one of the very few printers who champion the use of this waterless process.
A wonderful project!
Posted by Justin Hobson 02.02.2018
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