Studio cookbook2 includes recipes from An endless supply, AND Publishing, Art Licks, Goodwin Hartshorn, The Gourmand, Manystuff, Meadham Kirchhoff, Sarah Gottlieb, Fraser Muggeridge studio, Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad and Sophie Demay to name but a few!
The book is 236x132mm, portrait. The covers and end papers are cut 20mm short at the head. There are 60pp of text and the binding is "spiral bound" in a dark red plastic spiral. Spiral binding is different from wiro binding. Spiral binding is formed from a continuous length of either plastic or metal and is a finishing method produced by a few specialist binders/finishers. It is an effective binding method which tends to hold things a bit tighter than a wiro.
The book is printed on a mixture of Coriandoli and Flora. The cover is on Coriandoli Blu 250gsm but the text is a mixture of deliberately mixed up shades from Flora and Coriandoli ranges which gives the book a beautifully unstructured feel which works fantastically with the Riso printing. The text is all printed in one colour, although that colour depends on the shade of paper and the recipe - it works really well.
The book is edited and designed by Ken Kirton and thanks to Ken for sending me a copy and a lovely note.
The cookbook costs £12 and although this post comes a bit late to make this a Christmas present, it is a great idea for any upcoming birthdays etc! www.hatopress.net
Posted by Justin Hobson 28.12.2012