Below is the table that I was allocated, where, as with previous years, I adopted a "throw it all on the table" approach! I took lots of offcuts and discontinued paper and board items. All paper and card sold by weight - 30 pence per 100 grams.
I served at my 'paper stall' from 11am to 4pm ...and by the end of the day I had raised a record breaking £357.00, all donated to the St Bride Foundation.
...and here is my beautifully crafted 'Weigh & Pay' signage.by Helen Ingham from the Hi Artz Press - It's now lasted two wayzgooses!
My thanks to Mick Clayton for organising the event and to all the staff and friends at St Bride's.http://www.sbf.org.uk/
Posted by Justin Hobson 20.05.2019