I was contacted by our friends at the St. Brides Foundation and offered a space to display our products on their stand, which we gratefully accepted. It was lovely to be offered a great opportunity which we didn't want to miss out on, so I put together a stand to show our various paper ranges and set up for the week long exhibition.
On Monday, it struck me that there wasn't one other paper company at the exhibition, not one! Not a paper mill, agent or paper merchant in sight ...with the exception of Fenner Paper! Having conducted a quick bit of research, it seems that there have been paper companies at every IPEX since 1880!
My first IPEX was in 1988 when I was on the Scheufelen stand for the James McNaughton Paper Group. As in previous and subsequent years, there were many paper mills from around the world exhibiting and paper and print were in harmony! ...by that, I mean that there was an appreciation that you couldn't have a printing exhibition without something to print on!
I'm pleased that we were able to step forward and make sure that this wasn't the first paperless IPEX in history. If you are visiting ExCeL this week, please come and see us on stand N1 B130.
Posted by Justin Hobson 26.03.2014