“How does place impact on culture? How does culture permeate place? What can we learn from London and Berlin, two cities at different stages of cultural growth? ‘States of Change’ establishes the vantage point of design students examining two working environments and their surrounding culture. An assembly of printed matter, photography and moving image documenting recent encounters with the places and people of London and Berlin.”
As well as the exhibits (print, photography and moving image) in the bar area, there was a 'fly-posting' wall where you could post up, write, and spray paint.
The below image shows a superbly produced piece of literature titled 'Berliner Schnauze' by Scarlett Chetwin and Seb Price. Each page is perforated in a variety of angles opening to reveal a page below, in the same way that the fly posters in Berlin are layered.This bunch of enterprising second years were also selling publications and ephemera from the exhibition.
As I understand it, the idea of the show was suggested by the tutors but it was entirely actioned by the students, including sorting out the venue, the beer, the publications and the invitation list, so I am pleased to have made it onto the list!
Thanks to all the students involved and the teaching staff, Zoë Bather, Cathy Gale, Rose Gridneff, Andrew Haslam and Marcus Leis Allion.
Posted by Justin Hobson 06.04.2017