The format is 190x267mm portrait. It has a 4pp cover and a 76pp text. It is perfect bound but with grey binding tape applied to the spine. The cover is hot foil blocked in matt white and matt grey foil.
The cover is on our Colorset Nero 270gsm. 60pp of the text is printed on Redeem 100% Recycled 130gsm with the last 16pp appendix printed 1 colour on sugar paper.
As you can see with the above spread, each section is prefaced with an introduction spread, which are printed in solid black and the solid black on the Redeem is a really good, solid black - testament to both the paper and the printer!It is designed by McConnell Design and Zach John was the senior designer on the project. Beautifully printed by Gavin Martin Colournet.
Posted by Justin Hobson 19.10.2012