Meyouheshehimherthings - 2000
This is a project produced as a student promotion for the Salvation Army Trading Company.
The 'Meyouheshehimherthings' promotion travelled nationwide to student fairs to draw attention to Salvation Army charity shops, tempting students in to buy second-hand clothing for prices much lower than high-street retailers. Peter & Paul (at DA) created this perforated postcard book as a giveaway, to highlight the clothes and to give students something to write to friends and family on (in this pre-digital age!)
The 'Meyouheshehimherthings' promotion travelled nationwide to student fairs to draw attention to Salvation Army charity shops, tempting students in to buy second-hand clothing for prices much lower than high-street retailers. Peter & Paul (at DA) created this perforated postcard book as a giveaway, to highlight the clothes and to give students something to write to friends and family on (in this pre-digital age!)
The finished size of the postcard book is A5 portrait (210x148mm)
It is formed of 6 panels, making a 12pp concertina folded booklet, with images one side and space for writing on the reverse.
Click on image to enlarge |
Front Cover |
The cards are perforated horizontally and vertically to produce A6 size cards. It is printed on our Neptune Unique SoftWhite 250gsm, which has a neutral whiteness and just suits this piece of literature perfectly.
A clever feature of these cards is to include a discount card. This is a perforated credit card size card which punches out and when presented with a valid NUS card, gives the holder a discount. Of course, these days, there'd be an app for that!
A particular feature that is worth pointing out, is the perforations. As you can see from the below picture, perforations can look great, even beautiful. As I have pointed out on this blog previously, these perfs only look this good because the designer took the time to explain what they wanted to the printer it's worth asking the printer to show you different types of perforations that are available - it doesn't cost a penny more!
This project was designed at a now defunct agency called DA in Leeds, but the creative directors on the project and the two people who drove the project are Peter Donohoe and Paul Reardon and the project is attributed to Peter and Paul who went to found their agency under that same name: Unfortunately I can't find it in my records who printed the project.
The fact that it won the overall winner is testament to this piece of print design. As it says in the DesignWeek awards supplement 'Bright colours and bold typography gives the design direct impact, appropriate for the student market - who said charity work had to look worthy?'
Posted by Justin Hobson 07.04.2014