Hamish began the evening. His talk began by likening the amazingly simple concept and design of the JEEP to the work that they strive to achieve at his studio by "stripping away the unnecessary and drawing out the essential"
Hamish then spoke about his work for The It's Nice That 2014 Annual, Nike WE, ONCA, James Reade, the WW Chair and of course his work for that other well known paper merchant based in Hull!
Next up was Andy Stevens, one of the founders of Graphic Thought Facility (GTF). He spoke about their beginnings at the RCA and how they established the studio, including spending the money they won as a prize on a poster ...see below image:
Anthony Burrill gave us an insight into his beginnings at college and then at the RCA. He spoke about his years in the advertising industry and it's rather abrupt end when he made the decision that he wanted a change telling his agent not to look for new work - and how everything, including his existing work, just stopped! He then described his journey establishing himself as an independent graphic artist, print-maker and designer.It was a great event and everyone I spoke to came away feeling enthused and charged.
Even I said a very few words at the beginning of the evening....
Afterwards may of us went to the bar until kicking out time!

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Posted by Justin Hobson 05.05.2016