This is a simply produced piece of literature which demonstrate that black and red are indeed the perfect combination for type and text use. It also demonstrates that literature without images works well, arguably better in the colour saturated world of print that we live in today. A well thought out typographic solution, beautifully produced with the right materials has more impact than yet another CMYK printed cover. Design is by Pentagram.
Size of the document is A5 portrait (210x148mm), saddle stitched. 4pp cover on Omnia 280gsm and 8pp text on Omnia 120gsm. The wire used for the saddle stitches (staples) is a black coated wire - very nice touch.
In particular, I like this job ( ...not just 'cos it's printed on our paper!) but because of the type of material chosen. It's printed on our Omnia, which most people use when they want a tactile uncoated feel but that will print images fantastically in four colour. This job demonstrates just how good solid colours and black type in particular, looks on this material - and no CMYK images!. The black is a lovely solid black and the overall job still feels very tactile and engaging. Print is by PPS based in Romford.
Posted by Justin Hobson 26.06.2012