As Quentin Blake points out in his introduction, all of the pictures in the catalogue were drawn by hand, though the later printing and dissemination often relied on modern technology - and that's the point of the show, he shows work done by scratchy pens, inks, watercolours, quills, etching, lithograph etc.
This is the catalogue for the exhibition by Quentin Blake. Each section explores a different drawing technique.
The publication is produced in a sketchbook size. The size is 210x165mm, portrait and is saddle stitched. It has a 4pp cover on 300gsm and a 36pp text on 150gsm. The material chosen is our StarFine Natural White, which is a neutral white, uncoated paper and board range. The paper gives the project the correct look and feel of a sketchbook, sympathetic with the subject without being a pastiche. A particularly lovely touch is the "round cornered" corners - below:Design is by Burgess Studio. Creative director is Alexis Burgess and the designer on the project is Dan Jones.
The excellent print is by Principal Colour - this is a really neat and tidy saddle stitched job and the round cornering in particular is smart.
Posted by Justin Hobson 15.08.2013