Founded in 2015 by Mark Leeds and Duncan Johnson
c-ll-ct-v-ly is a London based Design and Research studio working in all media and especially editorial and moving image. As a studio project. they publish these limited edition magazines, using unpublished, reordered, remade, refound or newly created artworks. They are a quick-fire collaboration between the studio and a range of creatives easy consumed, visual hit.
1:76 is Number 9, Model building ruins by Thom Atkinson. Thom is based in London and Kent and works predominantly in a documentary style, centering around people and objects in locations. It is characterised by a gentle and observational approach and a natural and honest quality. Commercial and editorials clients include Barclays, Volkswagen, Tesco, Esso, Sainsbury’s, Cancer Research, FT Weekend, Hole & Corner, The Guardian and Telegraph Magazine.

"I’ve been working on a much bigger project for a few years and this was a sort of spin off from it. It’s also connected to a photobook I published about the Blitz in London and was kind of another way of coming at that same idea. The thread that joins these projects together is to do with British history and the way in which it is mythologised and remembered. In my head, the Airfix Ruins are like little found sculptures, made in memory of a war long ago, before the modellers were probably even born. They’re like devotions and dreams. And I think a lot of memory and mythology is to do with those things." Thom Atkinson.
Size is A5 (210x148mm) portrait, saddle stitched. It has a 4pp cover, cut short at 148mm high with a 16pp text.
The cover is printed on our
Crush, Almond 120gsm in black only. Text is printed on Gardapat 13 Kiara 150gsm. For readers not familiar with
GardaPat 13, it's a fully coated paper but it really does have a dead flat MATT surface. There are many papers on the market which profess to be matt - some which incorporate the word matt in the name, but aren't! Apart from the high quality matt surface, this paper has an extraordinarily high bulk - this 150gsm text with a thickness of 195mics. If you would like to read more about the bulk, you can read it
Cover and text are digitally printed using an HP Indigo digital press and the results are superb, beautifully showing the artworks. As many readers will know, many materials have to be
"Sapphire Treated" to work successfully on HP Indigo presses, however this project has been printed without sapphire treatment ..and it's superb!
Printing and finishing, including the lovely white wire used on the saddle stitches (above) is by
WithPrint who are based outside Bristol in Rooksbridge.
Concept and Design is by Mark Leeds and Ellie Rose. Font used is Grosa by Feliciano Type.
Posted by Justin Hobson 11.05.2021