Regular followers of this blog will know that my first post of every month is a "job from the past" so that I can show some of the really good work from years gone by...
British Council
British Council
Design, Architecture & Cultural Relations - 2008

This is a modest and cost effective publication produced for the British Council in Spring 2008. The publication covered recent projects, showcasing the best of UK creativity and the way in which the work of the council engaged in international cutural relations.

This is a modest and cost effective publication produced for the British Council in Spring 2008. The publication covered recent projects, showcasing the best of UK creativity and the way in which the work of the council engaged in international cutural relations.
Although the pictures make them look like a series, they are simply the same publication but with a change of coloured cover board. Extremely simple, very effective and bringing the project a lot more value than if the covers were all the same.
They are A5 portrait, wire stitched (with black stitches - nice touch!) The covers are all 4pp printed on 5 different shades of Colorset 100% Recycled 270gsm (Spring Green, Mango, Deep Orange, Magenta and White)
Covers are printed in two colours (special blue and black) common, on all colours. The 16pp text for reasons of cost was printed on a cheaper uncoated offset (which is called Evolve, I think) is printed in CMYK.
Design is by Wood McGrath and even though it was three years ago, I've still got the lovely note they sent me with the file copies (which also happens to be printed on Colorset Solar 270gsm!) Thank you Martin and Suzy:
Posted by Justin Hobson 02.11.2011