Current membership of the organisation that represents the Alumni of the Royal College of Art, called AlumniRCA is 5,906. Each year they produce a publication to communicate with and about the Alumni and the current activities/developments at the college.
It is a simple, economical format, easy to use for both mailing and display purposes. The format is a 16pp, closed gatefold. Size is A5 folding out to A2 (420x597mm).
Front Cover:
Opening out to:
Opening out again to:
...and folding out to:
Inside, poster image is made up of two images, titled "End of Term Frolic" Students at the National Art Training School 1894:
Design is by Europa and the designer on the project is Paul Tisdell. The publication is printed on Omnia 120gsm which was chosen because of the tactile feel and the way it would reproduce the images and most importantly the vivid fluorescent orange - which is superb - almost looks like a silkscreen result. The job was printed and finished by Pureprint.
...and thank you to Patricia for kindly sending me some file copies.
175 brand designed by Research studios (http://www.researchstudios.com/)
Posted by Justin Hobson 05.03.2011
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Thanks for your comment! If I like it, I'll add it on. Cheers J