The Nike Foundation created the Girl Effect and is devoted to the idea that the empowerment of girls is the key to significant social and economic change in developing countries. When a girl has the right tools in place, a chance to use her voice and systems set up to work for her, she will transform the lives of everyone around her. One of the tools is family planning and that's what the conference (and these broadsheets) are about.
This particular job is a series of three A2 broadsheets 420x594mm folding down to A5 (210x148mm). They are printed in just two colours (black and fluorescent specials) for the bold graphic style. The broadsheets are printed on our Redeem 100% Recycled 70gsm.
The folded broadsheets are held together with a belly band produced on fluorescent poster paper and the type is lasercut (which looks just amazing).
Design is by Accept & Proceed. Creative director on the project is Matthew Jones. Print is by Push. It's a simple, beautifully designed and well produced project ... I love it!
Posted by Justin Hobson 07.09.2012