"A growing and significant amount of design work takes place in systems, software and electronics. But these technologies are increasingly abstracted and black-boxed, so how can designers engage with these things meaningfully? How might we be involved in developing, critiquing and reflecting upon complex, opaque and invisible technologies?"
"Over the last four years BERG have produced a series of films exploring and explaining emerging technologies, building models and materials for understanding and invention.
Timo Arnall is creative director at the design studio BERG in London and a research fellow at the Oslo School of Architecture & Design. Timo has been making films, designing digital products, and researching emerging technologies for 15 years"
The lecture is on Wednesday 21 March 2012 at 7pm in the Bridewell Hall, St Bride Foundation London EC4.
The price is a very reasonable £12.00 (concessions for Students and Friends of St Bride Library available). You can book at: http://bergatstbride.eventbrite.co.uk/
PS - just an extra little note from me - if you haven't seen it, these are the guys that have developed the "Little Printer" have a look (and do watch the video!): http://bergcloud.com/littleprinter/
Posted by Justin Hobson 24.02.2012