Showing posts with label Eye Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye Magazine. Show all posts

Monday, 22 March 2021

Are movie posters artwork?

On 14th April you can join art director and movie poster designer, Art Sims for an exciting Zoom lecture. Discover how he captures the essence of a 90 minute feature film in one frame image to get a person excited to see it in the 10 second window that they are likely to see the printed image. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear insights and the process behind the designs from the man responsible for creating iconic posters for The Black Panther, Tarzan, Do the Right Thing, Malcom X, Clockers, Dream Girls and more.
Art Sims is the founder and CEO of 11:24 Design Advertising who “tell stories that spark consumer movement” and are based in Los Angeles. Sims is dedicated to promoting African-American art and culture as part of a larger mandate he dubs “urbanization,” which refers to the recognition and melding of disparate cultural and creative histories. “I love doing work for and about African Americans. I feel I am reshaping history to show our beauty.”
Sims attended Cass Technical High School in Detroit before earning a scholarship to Michigan State University. Once graduated, he landed his first job in New York before heading to LA where he set up his own company gaining attention from directors including Spike Lee and Steven Spielberg.
Sims also teaches graphic design at Otis School of Design, and launched a project called the Artists in Residence Foundation, designed to unite artists with students who don't have art classes at their schools. Book Online HERE  for an incredibly reasonable £5!

(Biography taken from an Aiga interview in 2008 written by Holly Willis – to read more, please visit 

This talk is part of the ‘Celebrating 125 Years of St Bride Library’ lecture series and has kindly been sponsored by: Adobe Commercial Type,  Eye Magazine, Eric de Bellaigue, Google, Jerry Wright, Just Another Foundry, Klim Type Foundry, Lexon GB, Creative & Innovative Print,  Mayor of London,  Medioto - Graphics & Animation,  Peter Longland, R-Typography, Type By, Usborne Publishing and The Wynkyn de Worde Charitable Trust who have sponsored students and recent graduates across the UK to attend this lecture.
Posted by Justin Hobson 22.03.2021

Friday, 20 February 2015

Size | Format | Stock - 2015 edition

The latest, revised, edition of Size|Format|Stock is now available. Size Format Stock is the booklet that I wrote in collaboration with Zoë Bather at Studio8. Originally written in mind for the students that I give occasional talks to, it has since become a firm favourite with many graphic designers.
This is now it's fourth printing and I've printed and distributed over 25,000 copies! ..through colleges, by post and also through Eye Magazine.
The booklet is A5 portrait saddle stitched with a 4pp cover on Colorset 120gsm and a 16pp text printed on Offenbach Bible 60gsm.
If you would like a copy, drop me an email and I'll pop one in the post.
Posted by Justin Hobson 20.02.2015

Monday, 10 June 2013


Eye 85 has just been launched and here's a fun idea from the publishers...
"To celebrate the launch of Eye no. 85, throughout June we are tracking sightings of the magazine as it makes its way around the globe. To enter the competition, take a photo of Issue 85 when it reaches your corner of the world (on your doormat, in the studio, on display in a bookstore, etc.), and upload it to our Facebook page (remembering to tag the location). Whoever takes the most interesting photo (as judged by Eye’s editor and art director) will win a year’s subscription to the magazine for themselves or a friend. The winner will be announced on 1 July 2013"

...and here are some of the photos so far...
by Phraxin

...and as you might have noticed, these particular pictures also include our Size Format Stock booklet that we sent out in partnership with Eye.
Eye85 and ‘Size, Format, Stock’ booklet by Shaun O’Beirne.
EYE85 and insert by Kalimat

Have a look at the other pics from around the world on facebook:
Size Format Stock is the booklet that I wrote in collaboration with Studio8. Originally written with the students that I give occasional talks to in mind, it has since become a firm favourite with the mature graphic designer! It is A5 portrait saddle stitched with a 4pp cover on Colorset 120gsm and a 16pp text printed on Offenbach Bible 60gsm. It is now in it's third edition and I've printed and distributed over 20,000 copies. If you would like a copy, drop me an email and I'll pop one in the post.
Posted by Justin Hobson 10.06.2013

Monday, 28 January 2013


Hold onto your hats! ...this is simply my favourite job from last year - I've been keeping it up my sleeve, so I can write about it at length, so here goes...
This piece of printed literature is an LP sized brochure in a record sleeve, produced for UK based radio station Jazz FM and is a promotional piece of print, aimed at potential advertisers and clients. The mono photography, many from the 1950's by Bob Willoughby and Wiliam Ellis, is beautifully combined with printed metallics (gold & silver) with dense black and surprisingly vivid flat colours.
Brochure (r/h) sliding into sleeve (l/h)

Front cover of brochure

Feast your eyes on the spreads below and then you can read all about it....
The brochure is 305mm square, saddle stitched with a 4pp cover on Omnia 200gsm and a 36pp text on Marazion Ultra 90gsm. The 313mm square sleeve is printed on our Mandricote Cream Back [1 sided] 300gsm. All these materials just work together beautifully. The Mandricote has exactly the right feel for the sleeve (and is a similar material to what would have been used for sleeves, back in the day!) and prints the metallic gold superbly. The whole brochure relies on a lightweight feel to be saddle stitched, maintain the right flow and to slip easily into the sleeve and this is where the Omnia 200gsm cover and lightweight text on 90gsm just works. Printed in CMYK, offset litho, plus special gold and silver.

Design and art direction is by Matt Willey. Described as "sumptuous" by John L. Waters, editor of Eye magazine, who also explains that the two main display typefaces are Engravers and Timmons, a display font drawn by Willey himself (and named after jazz pianist Bobby Timmons).

The superb print, production and finishing was handled by John McCormick at printers DG3 Europe, who are a global company with offices in most corners of the world, although this project was handled by the London office.

So why's it my favorite piece from 2012? Few designers (these days) get the opportunity to work with the record sleeve format which was once a pre-eminent format in "popular design" Design for vinyl singles and LP's was a large part of the graphics industry from the 1940's up to 1990's providing a visual narrative of the time but has sadly all but disappeared. By selecting this format, combined with superb art direction and typography, Matt has created a truly stunning piece of literature.

...and if an accolade from me wasn't enough (just kidding) it's been selected by the judges to receive the  “Certificate of Typographic Excellence” by the Type Directors Club, and will also be shown at the 59th Awards Exhibition in New York. Recognition, well deserved.
Posted by Justin Hobson 28.01.2013

Thursday, 27 September 2012


Paperstock was an event held on Monday evening,  hosted by the The Curch of London at their Leonard Street gallery, 71a. It involved a series of short presentations by three speakers talking about why paper and the way it is used is important to them. This was followed by questions from panel mediator, Simon Esterson (publisher of Eye magazine) and questions from the audience.  The panel consisted of  Roy Killen, partner of Push Print, paper artist Chrissie Macdonald (from the Peepshow collective) and me!

It was a great evening which was amazingly interesting and diverse both in terms of the people giving the presentations and the topics covered. It was oversubscibed and totally sold out! - a total of about 45 in the audience.
Posted by Justin Hobson 27.09.2012

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

BSME Art Director of the Year 2011

Simon Esterson
Last week, at the British Society of Magazine Editors awards, Simon Esterson, editor of Eye Magazine won Art Director of the year (Business publications). Congratulations to Simon and the whole team at Eye for this success.

In the last few years since Esterson took control of the publication, Eye magazine has truly gone from strength to strength and at a time when magazine publishing, in general, is going through a difficult period.

Although we do supply a small amount of material for the magazine (not the main text) I wouldn't want anybody to think reading this that I'm just "sucking up"! Quite apart from the paper, in my opinion it is an excellent publication and well worth subscribing to there!

Here are some previous posts about Eye:
Posted by Justin Hobson 16.11.2011

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Eye 78 - Seven colour marathon!

There's a post which Simon Esterson has recently put on the Eye Blog which is well worth reading. Written by Eye editor John L. Walters, it is one of those rare pieces of writing which actually describes the production of a piece of print in a very real and understandable way. It mainly focuses on the lengths that were taken at Pureprint to reproduce the cover for Eye 78, which is a detail of a Joost Grootens map, using the same colours as on the original book  Atlas Of The New Dutch Water Line.  

...also about the section on our Colorset Solar 120gsm which printed in colour in this issue (that's colour onto coloured paper if you get what I mean!)

Anyway, I'm not going to say anymore about it except that it is well worth a read... 

Posted by Justin Hobson 15.02.2011

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Eye 76

Here are some images of Eye 76: The Music Design Special Issue. 

We have supplied Colorset Solar 120gsm for a section in the magazine which looks awesome!

Just printed in one colour, the section makes a real impact in the magazine and below are a couple of pictures taken at Beacon Press the stack of Colorset on the end of the press. Thanks to Simon Esterson for sending me the pics.

Just goes to prove the power of using a self coloured paper - especially one that's 100% recycled and that costs a lot less than other, well known, coloured text and cover papers!

Eye 76 is available now from all good retailers!
Posted by Justin Hobson 11.08.2010

Monday, 22 March 2010

Ink on paper for Eye magazine at Beacon Press

Eye magazine has taken a trip to their printers which is Beacon Press and there's an interesting post on the Eye blogsite with pictures of the job at the factory.
Unfortunately the mag is not printed on our paper (I think it's on Arctic) but it's still a good magazine!
Posted by Justin Hobson