Last Tuesday, the Lindt Big Egg Hunt was launched in Covent Garden in London. One hundred and one giant Easter eggs have been hidden around the former flower market area as part of a charity egg hunt in support of Action for Children. The two-and-a-half foot tall fibreglass eggs were on display in London until Sunday and have now gone on tour around the country, returning to the capital on the 22nd of March, in time for Easter.
The eggs have been created by some of the world’s leading artists and designers and are auctioned off for the cahrity after the event.
Now you might be wondering what this has to do with paper or this blog? Well, back in December I was approached by Hoxton designers Baxter & Bailey who had been asked to submit a design for one of the eggs which had been accepted. Their entry sought to address the poultry/egg
philosophical quandary, and is cleverly titled
Eggsistentialism |
Now, as with many clever ideas, they sometimes fall down when it comes to the execution. Matt and Dom got in touch with us here at Fenner Paper to see if we could suggest a material to manufacture the rosette which was also robust, weather-proof ...and red!
We discussed various plastic products but they were either too rigid or a bit too plasticy! Then, by chance, I saw a sample of a red flocked material with a PVC backing from our Flock supplier, SEF
(Société D'enduction et de Flockage) in France. They kindly agreed to help and sent a sample roll which was enough to produce the large rosette. Below is a picture of one of the partners, Dom Bailey, with their creation.
The eggs getting on a train to go on their tour around the UK,to Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow.
Money raised goes to:
Established in 1869, Action for Children is committed to helping the most vulnerable and neglected children in the UK by helping young carers and providing fostering and adoption services.
A big thank you to SEF for supplying the material and making this 'eggsellent' project viable.
Posted by Justin Hobson 18.02.2013