This publication shows what the hotel can offer for the Christmas period, from private dining to events and parties. The size of the publication is an elegant tall thin format, which is 313 x 112mm, portrait.
This 12pp 'self cover' is printed on our Omnia 200gsm, which is the perfect weight - it doesn't need a heavier cover weight, it flows and feels good in the hand.
The book is printed Offset litho throughout in CMYK plus a metallic gold pantone 'special' ink. This is one very good reason that Omnia was chosen for this project. On most traditional uncoated papers, metallic inks can look flat and gold can just look a bit brown, but as I hope the images above and below demonstrate, the metallic gold type really does look metallic on Omnia.
The four colour imagery looks superb...
Image reproduction is paramount but it was also important that the publication also projected the tactility of the interiors and in the image below the detail of the table settings and the reproduction of the glassware. An ordinary feeling silk or gloss coated paper wasn't an option, so Omnia fitted the bill perfectly.
Printing is by Stuart Van Den Bergh at Intaglio Communications based in London.http://www.themayfairhotel.co.uk/
Posted by Justin Hobson 08.01.2018