Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Chase Calendar 2010

This is such a great calendar, so I'll let the pictures do the talking:

The size of the calendar is A2 (420x594mm). It is glued at the top edge and is drilled with seven holes for hanging and is "round cornered" as well. There is a page for each week and a total of 53 graphic/typographic designers have chosen their favourite typeface for a given letter and give a brief explanation for their choice - it's a great idea and really well executed.

I'm not going to list all 53 but they include people such as David Pearson, Alan Herron, Mike Dempsey, Jeremy Tankard, Phil Baines, Fernando Gutiérrez and the list goes on...! Below is the whole lot in one spread which Li Rui kindly sent me.

The calendar was printed on our Eco-Pure Recycled (100% Recycled) 100gsm which was a special making for this project. Printed and finished by DXG Media.

Design Director on the project is Ben Casey at The Chase in Manchester and the designer is Li Rui. http://www.thechase.co.uk/

The calendar was produced in collaboration with the following type companies:

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Thanks for your comment! If I like it, I'll add it on. Cheers J