The series of three posters below is the ISTD Awards 2009 Overall Winner by Paris based, Studio Apeloig (
All award winners deserve congratulations, but in particular, there are some people who I must mention:
Cartlidge Levene for the wayfinding & environmental graphics for The Guardian building - (I know it's not on paper, but it's still fantastic work!)
Barrie Tullett and Philippa Wood who are lecturers at University of Lincoln and who run The Caseroom Press for The Ghost in the Fog (pictured left).
This is a book that only contains the corrections and alterations of the author.
Congratulations on their Premier award (by the way, it's printed on our Offenbach Bible 60gsm)
NB:Studio won a Certificate of Excellence for their series of House magazines for Soho House, the covers of which are below:
...and the list goes on - The Chase for their marvellous woodblock letters made from chocolate, Studio 8 for FUTU magazine and Henrik and Scott from A2/SW/HK for a clutch of awards.
Here's a very cheerful looking Paulus M. Dreibholz, happy with his well deserved Certificate of Excellence for the poster for the Institute of Architecture in Vienna.
Malcolm Garrett ( and David Coates (, lurking behind the scenes!
...and a prize for anyone who can guess which dark horse from the NB:Studio table this is (answers on a nice postcard please!)
It was an excellent evening which showed a fantastic array of international typographic excellence. It is REALLY important for our industry that we retain societies such as the ISTD and we must take every opportunity to try and encourage membership, thus ensuring their continued viability.
So if you aren't a member, have a look - for less than £10 per month - this is good value!