...and here is the end result:
‘The goal is always to make something simple and memorable,’ comments Chermayeff, ‘you must be as clear and direct as possible.’ With this ethos, of his new symbol for the Pavilion's anniversary he says, ‘Not many numbers have three circles. Eighty has them – two on top of each other and one alone next door’.
Ivan Chermayeff is one of the most significant American graphic designers of the past 50 years. It is a real coup for DLWP to have a logo designed by Chermayeff who, with his partners Geismar and Haviv, has created some of the most enduring and iconic corporate symbols such as Mobil and Chase Manhattan Bank, along with many other instantly recognizable hallmarks of design.
Clare Playne FISTD and the team at Playne Design were commissioned to implement the 80th anniversary identity. Clare says that adding ‘De La Warr Pavilion’ in different lock-up combinations keeps the targeted years in alignment, and gives immediate recognition of what the symbol represents. Interestingly, the circles also reference the structure of the Pavilion’s two main staircases and echo the iconic Auditorium ceiling.
Fast outdoing major city venues in showcasing design, recent shows include Chermayeff's recent ‘Cut and Paste’ exhibition, two consecutive ISTD typography exhibitions and the Ladybird by Design exhibition, earlier this year. The DLWP is filling a much felt void in exhibiting graphic design.
You can read more about the DLWP 80th here:
...and this is the article I wrote about the ISTD awards:
Just one more thing to add. Organisations like the ISTD and the De La Warr Pavilion can only survive if they are supported and yes, that means money. It is so important that we retain industry and cultural organisations such as the DLWP and ISTD and we must take every opportunity to try and encourage membership, thus ensuring their continued viability. If you aren't a member or a friend, look into it and think about supporting.
Posted by Justin Hobson 06.08.2015