Friday 26 March 2010

Mikey Ayling at Portsmouth Uni

This is a project produced on our new weight (60gsm) in Redeem 100% Recycled by Mikey Ayling, a Communication Design student at Portsmouth University for an ISTD project highlighting the plight of the planet regarding global warming.

The brief he gave me was as follows "My project is a typographic project, and uses a large amount of white space in which to hold my text blocks, hence the amount of stock needed, each A3 is French/Chinese folded and contains a print within the fold which gives the opposite meaning or the reality if you will of the planet's CO2 crisis. Basically a dirty looking mess."
It is A4 in size and makes up as a 48pp concertina with waste pieces of 750micron greyboard being used as the front and back cover.

I do try and help students if and when I can and as you can see from the results, this one certainly made it worth the time (and he wrote to say thanks as well). He has submitted it to the ISTD together with his rationale which I have also read - so good luck Mikey.
Posted by Justin Hobson

Tuesday 23 March 2010

New Website for Applied Works

Now I know my blog is mostly about papery things (and usually Fenner Papers in particular!) but Applied Works (...who hardly ever use paper) have just launched their new website and its worth a look.

In particular, check out the National Trust Intranet, the TFL work and Giles Revell's new site
Posted by Justin Hobson

Monday 22 March 2010

Ink on paper for Eye magazine at Beacon Press

Eye magazine has taken a trip to their printers which is Beacon Press and there's an interesting post on the Eye blogsite with pictures of the job at the factory.
Unfortunately the mag is not printed on our paper (I think it's on Arctic) but it's still a good magazine!
Posted by Justin Hobson

Friday 19 March 2010

Spring is here with COLORSET

Spring has finally arrived!
Below is the installation for fashion label GHOST which was produced for London Fashion Week. A host of Origami lillies were made using Colorset (100% Recycled) 120gsm.
Origami by Chirag Patel at Ghost and thanks to Chirag for taking the time to send me the pics.
Posted by Justin Hobson

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Selected Works

This is a new brochure for design company Campbell Hay which shows some of their selected works.

The cover is particularly interesting as it makes a clever and unusual use of a one sided paper. It uses Astralux 1 sided (cast coated) paper in 115gsm. As you may be able to see from the picture the top strip is whiter and this is because the cover (which is saddle stitched) is longer than the text. The cover is stitched on with the uncoated side on the outside but because it is longer, it then folds up from the bottom with the glossy side showing on the outside. This provides a really nice contrast between tactile and smooth on the cover.

The size of the brochure is 165x240mm and has a 32pp text, saddle stitched. The text is on Omnia 120gsm which has reproduced the wide variety of their work fantastically. It is written in English and French.

Art Direction was by partners Elly Cambell and Charlie Hay. Designer on the project was Jonathan Baron.
These are only a couple of the spreads but it gives you an idea of the quality and diversity of the work this studio produces . From packaging, to identity and literature and even luxury muffin boxes (see above pic)!

The excellent print and finishing is by Generation Press.

Designer, Jonathan Baron has recently left Campbell Hay to work on his own projects good luck and best wishes to you Jonathan

Posted by Justin Hobson

Tuesday 16 March 2010

I'm backing the Pub - write to your MP

This post is about two subjects that I know loads of graphic designers are passionate about - BEER and PUBS!

The Chancellor will be introducing his next Budget in the coming weeks and with it the threat of even higher taxes on beer which in turn is threatening a large number of pubs and bars. People in the drinks industry are campaigning to try to get this Government to see sense and to persuade them to stop piling punitive tax increases and unnecessary regulation on pubs.

“I’m Backing the Pub” now has over 100,000 supporters and you can make a difference by sending an email to your local MP asking them to back the campaign.

It's easy. Link to and click on the “Petition Your MP” box.

Just think about how many projects you've worked on where the best ideas have come together "down the pub" and what about those of you who use the saloon bar as the extra meeting room? don't delay it now!
Posted by Justin Hobson

Monday 15 March 2010

Nick Turpin - Publication #1

Here is the latest project from photographer Nick Turpin. This new series called "Publication" is a biannual periodical produced by street photographers for street photographers. Whereas this was a very small market a few years ago, the advancements in technology and low cost digital cameras have made street photography ever more accessible and an internationally recognised art form. 

This debut issue is titled Inspiration deliver a showcase of work from leading street photographers together with interesting articles which reflect on the historical perspective of street photography. 
The size is 178x230mm. It is printed on Redeem 100% Recycled 240gsm cover and 130gsm text.
Design is by Eng Su and Pali Palavathanan
Published by Nick Turpin. Project management and production by Sarah Ewing. Print is by Push

Each copy of Publication comes in a box with a set of twenty prints from contemporary street photographers (see pic on left) You can order your very own copy of Publication at

...and thank you to Eng for the beautifully made origami note
Posted by Justin Hobson