Thursday, 20 October 2022
Arjowiggins Update
Friday, 23 September 2022
Arjowiggins Mills go into adminstration
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Thursday, 3 March 2022
Ukraine - Make a difference NOW!
In my opinion we should all be putting Mondi under pressure to suspend production in Russia. It is only by large corporates like Mondi (turnover £5.5 Billion!) exerting pressure such as this on the Russian Government that could make a difference. It will affect the Russian economy and also get more people in Russia talking about the situation.
I have been racking my brains as to any contribution that I can make to this struggle and here (thanks to PrintWeek) there is something that all of us in the graphic arts can do!
Firstly, please email the CEO and Chairman of the Mondi Group (who I believe are both based in their Surrey headquarters)
CEO is:
Chairman is:
Jenny Hampshire is the Company Secretary and is listed as the Governance contact:
Please email these people - get everyone you know to email them asking them "as a global leader in paper and packaging we ask you to demonstrate real leadership and suspend production at your sites in Russia" Flood their email boxes - PLEASE
Please use twitter, facebook, instagram and whatever social media you can to get the message across.
Secondly you can boycott Mondi products. Stop buying, specifying or using any Mondi products until they suspend their activities in Russia. In printing/graphics you may be familiar with their brands Color Copy, Nautilus Recycled and Pergraphica. Color Copy is the largest brand used in offices and copy shops and seen everywhere.If you are a printer - tell your paper merchant you won't be buying a Mondi product until they have suspended operations in Russia. If you are a designer or project manager, make sure you don't specify any of their products. If you are in packaging, make sure that packaging is not being supplied by Mondi. Antalis is one of the large Mondi distributors in the UK.
This is something we can all do which might just help a bit - it won't take much time to do ...and if you don't think you've got time, just imagine you've heard gunfire outside your window - that's what it's like for those poor people in Ukraine right now, so spend 5 minutes of your time and send some emails - it might just make a difference.
You can read the story in PrintWeek here:
Please note: I have nothing against Mondi. This is not personal. We have worked with Mondi in the past and they are a very nice company to work with - but they are in the situation where they can make a difference, so we must tell them!
UPDATE on 4th March - article in The Times
Posted by Justin Hobson 03.03.2022
PS - for comparison, there is another global paper company called StoraEnso (interestingly some people consider Stora Enso to be the oldest limited liability company in the world having been incorporated in 1288!). Stora Enso is stopping all production and sales in Russia until further notice due to the ongoing invasion in Ukraine. Good for them! You can read more HERE
Friday, 29 November 2019
British Book Design & Production Awards 2019

Here is a sneak preview of the book (which I write about another time)…
Here is Bonnie from Boss with the artist Hormazd Nariewella:
Saturday, 30 March 2019
ArjoWiggins - news update
Yesterday, there was a ruling by the court in France, who had the final decision on the offers that had been made by the various interested parties interested in buying the business or parts of the business.
Unfortunately the outcome is far from positive. The largest mill in Bessé-sur-Braye (Sarthe), which employs over 550 employees is to be closed. The various offers and recovery plans were unable to raise the necessary capital (15 million Euros was needed) and therefore must now close. Amongst others, the mill makes Cocoon, Cyclus, Maine, Satimat and Chromomat.
The Greenfield recycled pulp mill (Château-Thierry) has been sold to the German tissue producer Wepa and apparently all 75 jobs are to be saved.
The French court approved the plan for the takeover of the Le Bourray mill, located in Saint-Mars-la-Brière, by a local company CGMP which is a manufacturer of towels, tablecloths, paper rolls and is a long time customer of the mill. The good news is that they will retain over 100 of the original 260 employees, however the mill will cease production of all graphical papers which also includes part of the Cyclus range.

This recent news shows what a bad state the paper manufacturing world is in. The combination of decreasing demand and higher energy and raw material costs including both pulp and chemicals means that all manufacturers are having a rough time.

You can read more following these links here...
With thanks to Printweek.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
ArjoWiggins Paper Mills go into Administration

Antalis is a separate listed company but a majority shareholding is held by Sequana. At present, Antalis is unaffected, although they are the exclusive UK stockists of many of those brands made by the ArjoWiggins mills, including Curious, Cyclus, Olin, Keaykolour, Popset etc. (all are registered trademarks of ArjoWiggins Fine Papers).
As a result of this situation there may well be shortages for some of these papers. At Fenner Paper, we are increasing our stockholding, especially of our Stardream range (which is a competitor product to Curious Metallics) and our Colorset text and cover range.
If you would like to read more about the current situation, here are some links:
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Daily Observations
Thursday, 20 September 2012
The Creative Papers Blog - Archive
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Blog by The Creative Paper Expert!
...and the most hilarious thing of all is that it wasn't written by a named individual, it's written by the "Creative Paper Expert" - not even I would try and aspire to that job title!
Do have a look:
Please note this link doesn't work anymore - see the update below