Showing posts with label Copper Wire Stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copper Wire Stitching. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Matt Russell Photographer

Matt Russell is a London-based photographer specialising in food, travel, lifestyle and portraiture. With a strong reputation for his natural style and ability to capture life, Matt has established himself internationally as a trusted, reputable photographer. He has an inherent ability to work closely with clients to achieve their vision for both editorial and advertising.
“I absolutely love my job and the places that it takes me, not to mention the amazingly talented and passionate people that I get to work with everyday. I feel incredibly privileged.”
This 40pp portfolio shows Matt's wide ranging photography skills in one superbly produced package. The size is 285x225mm (a good economical size out of a B1 sheet)
Click on images to enlarge
It has a 40pp text printed on our Omnia 120gsm. For those readers not familiar with Omnia, it is an uncoated paper with a surface treatment. What this means is that it feels like an uncoated paper but because the surface treatment minimises 'dot-gain', the print result is much more like that of a coated silk or gloss coated paper.
Centre spread...
There are so many good images here which look so good, that it's hard not to show you every spread!
The publication is printed offset litho throughout in CMYK. As you can see from images, some of the images are quite dark, but there is no loss of detail, which is what can often happen printing on a true uncoated paper. As you can see from the detail image below, the reproduction is simply stunning.
The brochure is saddle stitched and even though Omnia is a very bulky paper, even with 40pp the spine looks good and doesn't "gape" in the middle, as you can see below.
Another lovely feature is the use of copper wire stitches. Just another lovely touch which makes this publication superb
Design is by Sandra Zellmer. Printing is by Ambrose Press. Jonathan Savory handled the project. Particular care has been taken over the repro - as with all projects for photographers, there is detail in the images which can only be truly appreciated by the photographer and it is the skill of the printer to be able to listen and interpret these comments in the finished printed job. Not always easy to do but this is a beautiful piece of printed literature.
Posted by Justin Hobson 09.02.2023

Friday, 24 July 2020

The Medium's Medium

The Gallery of Everything is London's first and only commercial space dedicated to non-academic and private art-making. The gallery's roster includes major historical master artists and newly discovered authors and creators. A British non-profit organisation, committed to the advancement, integration and celebration of artists and makers beyond the cultural mainstream.
Last year they presented an exhibition titled 'The Medium's Medium' a two part exploration into spiritualist and mediumistic art practices from the 19th century to the present day.

This is the catalogue which accompanied the exhibition and features drawings and paintings by a diverse range of authors, from established names to newer (re)discoveries. The catalogue is produced in the style of a 19th century pamphlet or chapbook as they are sometimes called.
Size is 210x165mm, portrait and is a 60pp 'self cover' which is saddle stitched. It is printed on our Redeem 100% Recycled 60gsm, which is a neutral white shade, which has the perfect tone for a 19th century publication and the 60gsm weight means it flows and flops perfectly...
It is printed offset litho throughout and the majority of pages are just printed in black only.
However, towards the middle of the publication, the drawings and paintings are reproduced with amazing clarity...
Click on images to enlarge
Centre spread, below
A lovely feature is the use of copper wire for the saddle stitches:
The 60gsm weight is just perfect for the publication.
...and even though this is a 60pp, the thickness is only 2mm! and it doesn't 'gape' in the spine as a heavier paper would, as you can see in the below image.
Print is by Identity Print, based in Paddock Wood with Paul Martin handling the project. You can read more about the exhibition here.
Posted by Justin Hobson 24.07.2020

Friday, 27 September 2019

Matt Russell Portfolio

Matt Russell is a London-based photographer specialising in food, travel, lifestyle and portraiture. With a strong reputation for his natural style and ability to capture life, Matt has established himself internationally as a trusted, reputable photographer. He has an inherent ability to work closely with clients to achieve their vision for both editorial and advertising.
“I absolutely love my job and the places that it takes me, not to mention the amazingly talented and passionate people that I get to work with everyday. I feel incredibly privileged.”
This 40pp portfolio shows Matt's wide ranging photography skills in one superbly produced package. The size is 285x225mm (a good economical size out of a B1 sheet)
Click on images to enlarge
It has a 40pp text printed on our Omnia 120gsm. For those readers not familiar with Omnia, it is an uncoated paper with a surface treatment. What this means is that it feels like an uncoated paper but because the surface treatment minimises 'dot-gain', the print result is much more like that of a coated silk or gloss coated paper.
Centre spread...
There are so many good images here which look so good, that it's hard not to show you every spread!
The publication is printed offset litho throughout in CMYK. As you can see from images, some of the images are quite dark, but there is no loss of detail, which is what can often happen printing on a true uncoated paper. As you can see from the detail image below, the reproduction is simply stunning.
The brochure is saddle stitched and even though Omnia is a very bulky paper, even with 40pp the spine looks good and doesn't "gape" in the middle, as you can see below.
Another lovely feature is the use of copper wire stitches. Just another lovely touch which makes this publication superb
Design is by Sandra Zellmer. Printing is by Ambrose Press. Jonathan Savory handled the project. Particular care has been taken over the repro - as with all projects for photographers, there is detail in the images which can only be truly appreciated by the photographer and it is the skill of the printer to be able to listen and interpret these comments in the finished printed job. Not always easy to do but this is a beautiful piece of printed literature.
Posted by Justin Hobson 27.09.2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Life - Simon Winnall

Simon Winnall is an advertising photographer, specialising in lifestyle and portraiture work for brands and ad agencies across the world. Here are just some of the names he has worked with: Aquafresh, Bentley, Buckle, BMW, Coca-Cola, DHL, Diageo, Dulux, Ferrari, Folgers Coffee, Halfords, Honda, LG, Lipton, Kopparberg Cider, Microsoft, Nescafé, Nivea, Nokia, Oriflame, Panasonic, Polar, SFR, Sainsbury’s, Sky Sports, Sony, Vodafone, Volvo, Weber Grills, ...and the list goes on!
This look-book shows new work and it is a particularly lovely piece of print. The 4pp cover is 325x235mm, portrait and is saddle stitched, however the text pages are a smaller size of 275x210mm, centred inside the cover.
The below image shows the way the text pages sit inside the cover....
It has to be said the size and proportion of the cover and text are just right, the pages just turn and fold well without being dwarfed by the large cover. 
The cover is printed on our Omnia White 280gsm and the 16pp text on 150gsm, the results of which are superb. The look and feel of the whole publication is very uncoated and tactile but there is absolutely no loss of detail in the images as you can see in the detail image below...
Click on images to enlarge
Inside back spread...
A lovely touch is the use of Copper wire for the saddle stitches, which matches the copper foil which is on the front cover...
You are probably assuming that this quality piece of print is printed offset litho, but you would be wrong. This job is printed on a new type of digital printing press, it is a Fujifilm Jet Press 720S. This new B2 size digital press is a commercial inkjet printer, which has been built to produce high-quality short run to medium run digital print. Push Print in London installed the press last year and as you can see from the result on this job, it is producing the high quality print that Push is renowned for.
You can read more about the new Fujifilm Jet Press 720S here or watch their video here...
Photography, design and production is by Simmon Winnall.
Posted by Justin Hobson 08.05.2019

Friday, 19 August 2016

Jimmy Choo - Bridal 2016

Founded in 1996, Jimmy Choo is now an iconic luxury fashion brand defined by an empowered sense of glamour and a confident sense of style. This is the beautiful new brochure for the 2016 bridal range....
The size is 210x148mm (A5) portrait and is saddle stitched. The publication has a 4pp cover with a 16pp text.
The 4pp cover is printed on our Omnia 280gsm. The cover is printed CMYK on the outside cover and is unprinted on the inside covers. The front cover is embossed where the Jimmy Choo brandmark appears - unfortunately my photographic skills (and equipment!) mean I can't capture this, however the image below shows the embossing as it appears on the inside front cover. Omnia is a very bulky sheet, so it embosses superbly, taking a deep embossing superbly.
The 16pp text is also printed on our Omnia in 120gsm. The weights are just right, 280gsm and 120gsm combination opening nicely with the pages turning well.
Click on images to enlarge
It is printed offset litho in four colour process throughout. As always (...this is the plug for the paper!) the images look superb on the Omnia; the fleshtones and the reproduction of the voile, jewels and metallic images is great - keeping all the detail in those heavy areas of CMYK together with uncoated paper tactility which would be lost on other papers.
...below is a small detail from the spread above - superb reproduction.
Another piece of nice detailing is the use of copper wire on the saddle stitching - just a lovely touch -not a high cost extra, but demonstrates great attention to detail.
Art direction and design is by the design studio at Jimmy Choo and the designer on the project is Sinnie Chong. The peerless print and print production is by Gavin Martin Colournet.

Posted by Justin Hobson 19.08.2016