Friday 14 September 2012


This is a brochure produced for the London College of Fashion as part of their 'Fashion the Future' mission. This particular brochure is about the Fashion Space Gallery and shows the plans of the proposed renovation of the Oxford Circus based gallery. 
Size is a very pleasing 345x245mm. It is a 16pp self cover, portrait, saddle stitched format. Printed on Matrisse 140gsm the design, size and format combined with the material just gives this job a beautiful feel - lots of white space and an uncluttered feel, reflecting the actual gallery space itself.
Beautiful, vibrant four colour reproduction on this spread with a handwritten quote by Zahra:
Designed by the in house creative team at the London College of Fashion (University of the Arts). Print is by Chapter Press.
Posted by Justin Hobson 14.09.2012

Thursday 13 September 2012

Sam Winston - done after 7 months!

Today I received an e-mail from artist Sam Winston, who's appeared on this blog a couple of times before.

Back in January, I wrote about the project that he embarked upon at the Southbank Centre. Anyway, he's just finished (wow!)

Please take the time to watch this really well made video (by Justin Stokes) about the project:

And as if seven months wasn't a long enough he's also announced the completion of the Romeo and Juliet project. Six years from start to finish: Romeo and Juliet

His recent commissions include:

The New Yorker magazine
Wallpaper magazine

Posted by Justin Hobson 13.09.2012

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fine Bone China Invitation

This post is nothing to do with paper but I think it's of interest!

Wimbledon based design company, Ideas Factory send out an e-mailshot every month about a piece of their work. This month they sent out a project which is in the same vein as my "jobs from the past"

Whilst working on their studio refurbishment earlier in the year they came across some interesting work from their archive. This is one particular piece from 1998 for Mayfair based, luxury goods company Thomas Goode (established 1827). This is an event invitation to launch an in-store exhibition of Peter Ting’s new ceramics collection. The recipient was instructed to hold the bone china invitation up to the light allowing the details, screen printed on the reverse, to be revealed.

It's just a beautiful idea playing with the translucent nature of thin china. The invitation was wrapped in a watermarked Japanese paper in such a way that allowed the receiver to slowly reveal the invitation.

All in all a beautiful project and not very much to do with paper - but I hope you like it.

Thanks to Mark Wilkins at Ideas Factory for keeping me on his e-mailshot list ...keep them coming!
Posted by Justin Hobson 11.09.2012

Friday 7 September 2012

The Girl Effect

Here is a series of really striking broadsheets produced for the London Summit on Family Planning held in July by "The Girl Effect".

The Nike Foundation created the Girl Effect and is devoted to the idea that the empowerment of girls is the key to significant social and economic change in developing countries. When a girl has the right tools in place, a chance to use her voice and systems set up to work for her, she will transform the lives of everyone around her. One of the tools is family planning and that's what the conference (and these broadsheets) are about.
This particular job is a series of three A2 broadsheets 420x594mm folding down to A5 (210x148mm). They are printed in just two colours (black and fluorescent specials) for the bold graphic style. The broadsheets are printed on our Redeem 100% Recycled 70gsm. 
The folded broadsheets are held together with a belly band produced on fluorescent poster paper and the type is lasercut (which looks just amazing).

Design is by Accept & Proceed. Creative director on the project is Matthew Jones. Print is by Push. It's a simple, beautifully designed and well produced project ... I love it!
Posted by Justin Hobson 07.09.2012

Thursday 6 September 2012

Blog by The Creative Paper Expert!

Most followers of this blog know that I try to keep keep my posts positive,  interesting,  paper related and occasionally light hearted! ...and rarely do I slag things off.  However I have to share with you something that both amused and frustrated me at the same time!
Last summer (2011) a follower of this blog sent me a link to the new Antalis McNaughton "Creative Papers" blog. On reading it, I felt it was clearly an attempt to create a blog along similar lines to this one. Although it is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I find it frustrating when a multi BILLION pound global corporation (Antalis turnover £480 million and they are part of Sequana which turnover €3.9 billion!) follows the trend of a small little company like us rather than doing something new and setting their own trend.

As it turns out, I should have had no concerns whatsoever. It started on 3rd June 2011 and the last post was dated 2nd November 2011 with a total of 9 posts!

...and the most hilarious thing of all is that it wasn't written by a named individual, it's written by the "Creative Paper Expert" - not even I would try and aspire to that job title! 
"Welcome to the Creative Papers blog from Antalis McNaughton, the home of everything that is new, innovative, interesting and creative in the world of paper. Keep posted for ideas, thoughts, advice and suggestions from the experts in print and paper" ...but obviously nothing's happening in 2012!
Do have a look:
Please note this link doesn't work anymore - see the update below
Posted by Justin Hobson 06.09.2012
PS - an update 20.09.2012
After writing the above post about 'The Creative Paper Expert' and the above mentioned blog, the blog site was taken down and it's been erased from history! Fortunately, an archive copy of the blog has now appeared on the following link, so it's contents can now be enjoyed forever:

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Jobs from the past - Number 35

Followers of this blog will know that my first post of every month is a "job from the past" so that I can show some of the really good work from years gone by and here's one from 1995.

English Heritage 10th Anniversary Conservation Awards 1994-5
This booklet was comissioned by English Heritage to introduce their 'one off' award as part of English Heritage's 10th Anniversay celebrations. This 'award of awards' was given in conjunction with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors awards.

This modest, yet beautifully produced, piece of literature was to introduce the awards. It is 140mm square format with a 4pp cover and an 8pp text and is 'three hole sewn' in black thread.
Images are printed in Duotone (beautifully) on our uncoated Neptune Unique 250gsm and 135gsm. Printed in black, grey and red (this was back in the days when doing a three colour job was cheaper than CMYK!) The photography is by Phil Sayer and looks as amazing today as it did then.
Detail showing three hole sewing:
Outside back cover showing 'belly-band' printed in silver on a coated silk paper:

It was designed by Atelier Works. Lead Designer was John Powner working with senior designer Annabel Clements.
The job was printed by a company called Penshurst Press based in Tunbridge Wells. Sadly the company is no longer around. Alan Flack who was the "press minder" that actually physically printed this job left Penshurst Press with Martin Darby to form their own printing company called Principal Colour and they are still based in Paddock Wood in Kent.
Posted by Justin Hobson 04.09.2012

Thursday 30 August 2012

Coggles S/S 2012

Coggles is a Boutique Department Store (& Designer Store Of The Year) with a four floor shop in York's historic centre and an on line presence with over 2 million vistors a year

Victoria Bage started Coggles in 1974. From the opening of a quirky stall on York market, her designs proved so successful that by 1976 she had opened her store. Originally named Sarah Coggles, the name came about because Victoria's husband was having an affair with his secretary, Sarah Coggles. On discovering the affair, Victoria promptly divorced him and named the store after the secretary to remind him of the mistake he had made!

This publication is the Coggles Spring/Summer 2012 lookbook and because it is a department store, the content is wide and varied, including fashion, accessories, homeware, furniture and books.
Format is 200x270mm, portrait, saddle stitched with an 8pp cover (155mm flaps) and a 32pp text. It's printed on Omnia 280gsm and 150gsm. The quality of images and the reproduction is fantastic whilst the Omnia still makes it feel tactile and engaging in the hand.
Spread on inside front cover flap.
Art Direction and design is by No Days Off. Creative directors on the project are Patrick Duffy and Teo Conner. Designer is Charlie Hocking. This is the clever company that recycled it's old stationery to make new stationery - see previous post:;postID=5178695148461243374

It's been beautifully printed by Kingsbury Press. They are a family run B2 printers based in Doncaster and many design agencies that I know have been using them recently and if this job is anything to go by, I can see why...
Posted by Justin Hobson 30.08.2012