Tuesday 9 July 2013

ISTD Student Awards 2013

On Friday evening I was invited to the ISTD Student awards ceremony, hosted at the lovely Pentagram building in West London. Pentagram partner, Angus Hyland, presented the certificates to the successful students and tutors.

It was a beautiful summer evening, and as with all ISTD events it was a very warm and friendly event with the drinks provided (kindly sponsored by Mike Daines of eLexicons).
Angus Hyland presenting the awards
This presentation evening was for the main Student Assessment scheme held in the UK and Ireland. Students from Universities and Institutions around the UK and Ireland answered a number of briefs written by the ISTD's Education team. Judging took place in March and in total, there were 64 passes, 12 Merits and 5 Commendations. This year, the University of West England (Bristol) had most success, with 18 passes, merits and Commendations. Tutors are Gabriel Solomons and John Paul Dowling.

As a special presentation, Angus Hyland was awarded Fellowship of the ISTD in recognition of his contribution and typographic achievement over the years. The picture shows Angus receiving his certificate, presented by Alan Kitching.

After the presentation, Angus gave a short talk which included a description about his early beginnings as a designer and his start in typography using sheets of his parent's Letraset rub down lettering, sitting at the kitchen table!
The Student awards take place over all over the globe throughout the year, the next being the South African Assessments and then the Australasian Assessments covering Australia and New Zealand.
My thanks to the ISTD board for inviting me and as I have said many times on this blog before, it's very important to support organisations such as the ISTD and events such as this. A big thank you to all those members of the ISTD who freely give their time for the benefit of others, in particular, Freda Sack, who has been such an important figure in the society for so many years.
Posted by Justin Hobson 09.07.2013

Catch up with Mucho

Rob Duncan, Pablo Juncadella,
Marc CatalĂ  and John Dowling.
At the ISTD student awards at Pentagram on Friday, I was able to catch up with four of the partners from new global boutique design studio, Mucho.

All four previously worked for Pentagram, so it was a poignant location. Mucho has studios in New York, Barcelona, Berlin, Newark, San Francisco and London.

The new Mucho network was launched in April this year, so it's early days but it was good to catch up and hear that all is going well.

Posted by Justin Hobson 09.07.2013

Thursday 4 July 2013

Alan Fletcher Archive

© Martin Dunkerton 1992
If you aren't already aware of this, I think you'll find this pretty interesting. In the last month a new website archiving the work of Alan Fletcher has been put up. The site has been designed by Crescent Lodge and I asked Lynda Brockbank, the creative director to write a few words about the project:
The Alan Fletcher Archive website project began two years ago and was initiated by Alan’s daughter Raffaella with archivist Sarah Copplestone. The ‘soft’ launch on 31 May, was the moment when a rich mix of Alan’s work had been curated and digitised, important texts had been collected and commissioned, and the shop was ready to open. There’s still a vast collection, some of it unseen, that will continue to be added (some may yet be discovered), to build a living resource on Alan’s life, times and work. You can, of course, contact the Archive by email and also join the mailing list http://www.alanfletcherarchive.com/contact

The link to the new website is: http://www.alanfletcherarchive.com

Lynda remarked that it’s just wonderful to be able to look through all the amazing material in the archive and what a privilege it's been to work on the project.

...and I also have a small archive of my own! I have a set of ceramic desk accessories that Alan Fletcher designed for Time and Life in 1961 (bought in 2004 on the advice of a very sage Alan Dye from NB Studio ...thanks Alan)
...and I am the proud owner of a print that Alan gave me titled "a bouquet of flowers". I was at his studio one afternoon and had to rush off home as it was my anniversary that evening...
This new website is a brilliant resource and I look forward to seeing it grow and develop as more of the archive is uploaded.

Posted by Justin Hobson 04.07.2013

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Jobs from the past - Number 45

Regular followers of this blog will know that my first post of every month is a "job from the past" so that I can show some of the really good work from years gone by and here's one from 2008.

Mission - Case studies
Mission is leading independent PR and marketing agency with an enviable client list. They commissioned design consultants, &Smith, to create a flexible solution for their self-promotional communications.
&Smith developed a series of individual case study booklets that are also broadsheets enabling Mission to build a bespoke portfolio. The design incorporates repeating Ms of their identity with a subtle number identifier (white reversed out) on each cover.
Each booklet unfolds to reveal a project description and press coverage results, before unfolding once again to reveal a full colour campaign image - and this is where the material comes in! Part of the requirement was that the project description/press coverage pages should have a "newsprinty" or "scrapbook" type feel. However this was a little at odds with the amazing images that they had to work and which appear when you open out the broadsheet! The paper chosen is our Redeem 100% Recycled in 100gsm which is a natural looking recycled products, but as you can see from these pictures, it prints amazingly! ...although that's in no small part due to the quality of original and the printer.  

As you can see from the large images on the open broadsheet, they are exquisite and they look absolutely brilliant on this paper. The size of each booklet is 220x170mm, folding out to 440x 510mm.
Design is by &Smith. Creative directors are Rachel Smith and Dan Bernstein.
The superb print (and the finishing is good too - no buckling on the folds) was handled by Gary Bird at Gavin Martin.
Posted by Justin Hobson 02.07.2013

Friday 28 June 2013

The Glastonbury Free Press

This weekend and for one weekend only ...the Glastonbury Free Press has been set up and is printing a new local newspaper for the Festival. It is being printed on site, using letterpress on a 1954 Original Heidelberg cylinder press.

...and if you'd like to read about how they managed to get a 5 tonne press and linecaster onto a muddy field and make it work, have a read of their blog here:

There's also a design and print your own poster with letterpress artists, a healthy selection of woodblock type and a proofing press.

It's just complete madness but an amazing idea and I wish I was there to see it. I hope it stays dry for the hot metal maniacs in the field.

Posted by Justin Hobson 28.06.2013

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Inside|Outside 2013

Inside|Outside is an interesting project run by the printmaking team at the London College of Communication (LCC). The project involved 3 workshops, 3 locations and 3 processes. "A challenge to revisit the whole process of printmaking, considering parameters such as sustainability, environment, resources and waste. An experience outside the comfort of the studio to let the natural elements changing staff and students' way of thinking."

You can read more about the project lead by Pathway Leader Jack Blake and Printmaking Technician Barbara Salvadori and the LCC students at insideoutsideprintmaking.blogspot.co.uk

The end of project publication is printed by London based co-operative Calverts, chosen as they have excellent sustainable credentials and use all vegetable inks and their energy use is from renewable sources. They selected Favini SHIRO Alga Carta, Avorio 90gsm, chosen because it was in keeping with the sustainable nature of the project, because it is manufactured partly using algae harvested from the Venice lagoon, combined with FSC certified fibres. Algae blooms at the end of Summer in the Venice lagoon as the warm water combines with pollution and must be harvested to maintain the lagoon's eco-balance.
The format is an A5 broadsheet which folds out to A2. Printed in two colours, offset Litho.
Photography and design is by Jack Blake and Barbara Salvadori. Print was handled by Arthur Stitt at Calverts. A most interesting project and publication.

Posted by Justin Hobson 26.06.2013

Monday 24 June 2013

The Future of Paper Books

I've just been sent an invitation to the latest de.Frost* talk on the 14th July.  This is the fourteenth in the series of de.Frost* talks which are hosted by Frost* Design at their studio. Julie Gibbs is the Publishing Director of the Lantern imprint at Penguin, which publishes, high quality, illustrated books in the fields of cookery, gardening, interiors, photography, shopping, travel and biography. Julie has been in publishing for her entire career, and at Penguin for the last nineteen years.
At de.Frost* Julie will be discussing the value of paper books in our lives and what their future might be. She has also invited members of the audience to bring along a favourite illustrated book and perhaps say why it means something to them.

I would absolutely love to go along to this talk, it would be a fascinating and passionate insight into where the publisher sees the future, but sadly I can't go. ...why not? I hear you ask ...well sadly (for me) the Frost* studio is in Surry Hills in Sydney and although I did visit back in 2009, it's too far, even for me, to go for this talk.

Anyway thanks to Frost* for the invite and I look forward to hearing about the evening.

Posted by Justin 24.06.2013